Thursday, October 18, 2007


It is getting cold.

The naughty wind blows and brings the dry leaves on the ground,
and the dry leaves on the branches,
Then you can see a dance of leaves in the air!

People get to their houses soon and so does the sun!

There is no party, it is exam, seminar, assignment, deadline, presentation, paper submition and ... season!

You miss such sceneries:

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Moon Flower

Sun gives me kisses,
Generously on my skin

Wind touches my face,
Kindly in a gentle way

Birds whisper songs,
Happily near my ears


I am floating,
In the lake,
Having no stress
Thinking of absolutely nothing

I am walking,
In the wood,
Worrying no matter
Wondering the beauty of the trees

I am dancing
In the street,
Being proud of my existence
Looking inside, smiling on “Moon Flower”

Västerås, September 9, 2007