Sunday, November 01, 2009

These days I am reading more about Interpersonal Communicatio and it has caused me cancelling a lot of my communicational activities such as going to lunch at Constance's place, joining "normal" students from Swedish course fikaing in the student union pub, going to Clover's halloween party, going to preparty in Nikka's place, following Afshin and Elham to Kåren, going to Capoeira training and so on, but

It has been handful from some scientific perspectives.

I have not only learnt about attachment theory but also four different theoretical perspectives defining the maning of emotion:

It includes: Darwinian, Jamesian, Cognitive and Social Constructive theoretical perspectives.

  • The first one as it is kind of obvious from its name, is based on the evolutional theory of Darwin. Scientists following this theoretical perspective, believe that our emotions which can be mainly devided in 6 basic foundamental emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise and anger are some kinds of survival actions evolved from animals.

  • The second one is based on William James ideas and is described as follows: (I should estate it completely and exactly as it is found in the article by Cornelius becasue honestly I don't understand it)

"bodily changes follow directly the perception of the exciting fact, and our feeling of the same changes as the occur is the emotion!"

  • In the third perspective which is cognitive and is considered as the dominant theoretical perspective in this field it is all about the appraisal process in our brain and followers of this schools believe that emotions and thoughts are inseperable.

  • The fourth and last perspective says that emotions can be fully understood only on a social level of analysis and it is because they are mainly productions of culture.

But the funny thing is that I logged in the weblog account to express my stress from yesterday as a sunny day in Sweden after severalllllll cloudy dark days.

I had never experienced it before:

It was such a nice weather that I got pannicked! I did not know what to do to use it in a good way and get the advantage of SUN.

I exposed myself to sun in the balcony just right after I woke up before I felt like freezing and got in, later I ate my backed potato in the middle of the corridor, in front of the toiletts coz there was the only place that I could some sun shine from the emergency exit at the end of the long corridor!

Then I slept with theshades down!

I was not sleeping I spent the whole DAY (which actually was not that long!) but I could not go out because I had to study and I could not study for I was feeling like I would miss too much by being inside in such a sunny day!

OK! Welcome to solve the problem. :)

I will be back with more Communicational, emotional stuff.

Love and Peace to You!

Yes you! :)