Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I just found out that I wanted to write about some of my senses taht becoime so strong some times. specially when I breath deeply from my stomach for a while.

One night I was walking home. I was taking teh same almost every day way but nothing was as always.

I could hear small pieces of snow, sliding down from roofs or tree branches on the melting ice, I could smell the perfume of the man who parked tha car and went in maybe 5 minutes before when I had just turned to the street and could see him from far distance. I could smell the food being cooked in teh kitchen of the hous on the left side of the street.

Then I got to see in the eyes of two people in their houses. I really did not mean it. I was just looking around, they had big windows and the rooms were kind of dark and the street was light of the lamps and we looked at each other at the same exact moment and I said to my self: "How frightened can they get if they see taht some stranger just looked in my eyes while I was sitting in my sofa in my home!", "Fan, It is frightening!", And then I could feel the gentle cold wind blowing across the empty parking in front of the hospital. It was touching my chicks and it smelled like snow. (I think snow smells!)

Any way, it also happens sometime in Kåren when I am working. People come in and I just know that they smell different. Once I asked a class mate if he had changed hi perfume and he got so shocked and said: "No, but my deodorant is new!" and he kind of freaked out, why should I know his smell. I don't know. It is just like when some people easily notice it if some one has got a haircut and some simply don't get it. I don't think does who get it try to do any thing. It is just the way it is. Maybe they keep a file for each person and update it any time they meet and when they meet again their brains just starts comparinga nd analysing them. My brain does it so much with the smell of olika människor.

It also keeps a copy of their moods. If I see some one in a bad mood and the next time he/she shows up with a good mood, I just get it as a feeling of relief and tvärtom.

Tiredness, frustration and stress just pop up. and I can not ignore them.

Now it is time for Capoeira. Zarah is not feeling well and she does not think any body can help her.

I hope I could do more. I really like her. She has good friends. I hope she feels close enough to them to get some help. I know that Christian can be a good help in these kind of situations but I know on the other hand that he has so much to do for th school. Why should always everything happen at the same time?

Clover is moving soon, Maryam is coming here for a visit and I have got two weeks left to fix the thesis and send it back to Erik.

Summer Job is still the huvudrubriken!

Life is not so long! Lets Enjoy it.

Love and peace to you all...

Mah Gol

Monday, March 29, 2010


+ Stress
+ Capoeira Training
Being Awake the whole sunday night and starting the week sleepy!

Good Luck Mahgol