Monday, December 09, 2013

Another Earth

I still have not posted any follow up on the post which I wrote almost one year a go announcing some challenges in my life. I will do it in January. I promise. but for now I want to do something I have been wanting to do for many years. writing about the movies we watch and the last one was last night:
Another Earth

Well, I rated it 5 afterwards in IMDB but it has got 6.6 from others so maybe it just was not my type. I guessed the ending in the minute 20 of the movie and it was qute diappointing when it turned out to be so. :)
Shahab has downloaded some other good movies which I will write about when we have watched it.
Besr Regards
Mahgol on the train to Göteborg

Monday, November 04, 2013


VÅRA nya glädje:

- Det finns plats för en hel vitkål i VÅRT kylskåp!
- All disk som VI diskar hålls rena tills VI använder de igen!
- VI har frukost i våra pyjamas!
- Vi har VÅRA bilder på kylskåpet.
- Badkar!
- Vår balkong!

Tack för allt.

Friday, October 25, 2013


Solen går upp och fåglarna dansar i fred.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Some weeks of Challenge

Shahab is in Iran. He had to go and I am here again. In our little home.
I have a couple of challenging weeks ahead. Some realistic goals are there and the intresting thing is that in a much shorter time than we expect it to be it all will be "long ago"! and when we read this post then this question is longer a question is a short statement with some long explanations.
Did I suceed with my goals which are clear and tangible?
We will see soon.
Are you eager to know? Sorry. I will just list them in the blog when we are in the future.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

What matters and What does not matter

It took me a long time but now I know the trick..
It actually does not matter what I want or what I like.
Who am I?
Now I see what he meant by saying that I look at myself as the center of the world.
The trick is raising "human" independently from his/her believes.
And I look back and find my old isalmic trainings the best fitting in my incomplete puzzle.
The role of God and our relation with him in our lives is maybe all.