Thursday, December 27, 2018

still very much in love

I am still very much in love with you, 

when I wake up in the middle of the night I normally think about work and the only way for me to calm down is to think about you.
I thought I had it under control but it seems like, it is much worse than what I had estimated. 
me and estimations have never been good friends...
I should find another way to tame my mind.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018


en natt till, jag kan inte stänga av motorn i mitt huvud! den bara snurrar runt och runt. det gör att det framkallas ännu mer tankar och kännslor...

jag vet att jag kan stänga av den om jag vill men jag är för trött för att vilja något... jag bara låter minuter och timmar rinna genom mitt liv som är lik förbannat en engångs grej!
jag orkar inte just nu. hur nu än den inte liknar mig.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


jag älskar dig, nu har jag varit kär i dig i fem månader och tolv dagar.

jag vill bara sitta här, framför dig
titta i de vackra, snälla, trötta ögon dina
hålla din högra hand i min vänstra hand,
pussa dig på pannan,
klappa ditt ansikte försiktigt med min högra hand,
och tala om för dig att
jag älskar dig, nu har jag ...

Monday, September 17, 2018

djupare och djupare, godare och ännu godare

För varenda dag blir jag mer och mer kär i dig,
kär i mig som är kär i dig,
att se dig,
höra din röst,
känna din närvara,
                           gör att min själ blir större och lättare,
                             börjar flyta runt och glittrar som solstrålar.
                               mitt hjärta blir alldeles genomskinlig och expanderar tills jag själv ser inte vart det tar slut.
                                Jag visste inte ens att min själ kan le, jag visste inte att den kan sjunga!

Det skapas en paradox emellan jag och min verklighet.
vilken är jag och vilken är jag utan din kärlek?


Monday, September 03, 2018

I love you and I love it

I love it that I love you
No matter where you are, what you do, I will love you.
Do you feel the love coming from me to you?
I am sure you do. Do you think as much as I do about what should I do with this much love or are you used to it?
This is exactly the type of problem I like to deal with. There is no easy answer to it.
It is a complex problem. Several aspects of each possible scenario.
And no rush to solve it. It can be there in the back of my head during the days and it crowls from in my head and stops me from sleeping. It is very pleasant to be in love. for me at least. 

Saturday, September 01, 2018

lost in your look

when I think of you,
I see your eyes,
they are, clear and sharp with a pleasant tease in them.
You and your eyes, your arms, your voice and your beautiful smile starts a warm sweet flow of sparkles in my head and chest.
I know I never had you and will never have you but I still truely love you. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Life goes on and so does love...

What is it? How should I explain it?
a feeling of pressure in the chest,
a mental obsession, always there in the mind,
urge to get lost in your eyes,
urge to tell things to you while I look at you, silently in my own head,
seeking closeness,
I want you to keep my hands,
I want you to hug me and let me stay there until I want to come out and even then, look at me and hug me again...
I know my lips then will seek your skin and then later maybe your lips...
where is the line between love and lust?

Sunday, July 22, 2018

miss you like hell

Right now, right here, I miss you like hell.
However I don't know what would I have said to you if you were here but if I could just have you around for a couple of minutes I would have felt much better.
I am happy you are happy that is the best part of it.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

I am finding new ways to charge myself

It feels like moving to Gothenburg was not that stupid after all.
I am finding new ways in being a better me!
- expanding my heart and filling it with love
- sleeping less
- eating less
- training more often even very short passes
- watching Capoeira movies
- having beautiful fantasies
- doing things my own way
- daring to do mistake
- surprising others
- challenging myself
- pushing my phisical and mental limits
- listening to new music
- going to new places

Friday, July 06, 2018

Power of Love

I felt like having a crush on you...
at first I got scared and of course very surprised! It was looooooong ago that I felt like that,
but then I noticed that deep inside I needed it so much to feel alive.
Instead of killing it or ignoring it and avoiding you, I focused on it. embraced it and appriciated it. I empowered it and let it grow...
It grew from a crush to love. It is a pitty that the word "love" is so discriminated and missused that it kind of makes a feeling of shame if you think about it specially if it is a married woman who falls in love with a married man!
But I seriousely think that is wrong. It is just another kind of love. not the kind which you find in Hollywood.
They say "I love you" to each other and then kiss and have sex and depending on their relationship outside this relationship feel guilty or happy about it.
This love is the love Rumi talks about, Khayam talks about and Hafiz talks about.
The love that gives you wings to fly.
It expands ones heart.
It paved a beautiful path for me to get connected back to myself.
I found Mahgol through the great love I grew to you from a crush sparkle.
Thank you for being who you are.
It is not rediculous to thank one for being who he/she is after all because some part is made by the family, school and society but the huge part of it is made by ourselves.
So good job! You have made a wonderful human of your beutiful self.
Love you and will be thankful for ever.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Listen to your heart there's nothing else you can do, (Roxette)

You are just too good to be true!

It sometimes scares me how good you are and how much I love you, what is in your dark side?
Do I need to know? or I just continue loving your bright side?

Being in love and keep being HERE and NOW is hard but pleasant...

It made me fly of joy, this noon, when putting my feet in the sun, looking at them and feeling 
         the same sun is shining on your skin,
                                  at the same exakt moment,
                                         somewhere on the same exact planet: 
I love you from here to the moon and back!

You are like an angel, sent directly from heaven, with the mission of making me happy, proud, motivated and relaxed, feeling being appriciated and seen as the smart, strong, beautiful woman which I am.  

Thank you for being!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Am I really like the ones who make me angry?

I will calm down probably if I just take some deep breathes. but I kind of enjoy the energy it gives me (and takes from me) to be angry!
Am I really like the one who is frustrating me? Is there something in him/her which reminds me of myself? my own shortages? my desires? my dreams?
It makes me even more angry when I think about it like this...
We will see.
I think I miss myself a lot! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

To be in love

I feel deeply in love.

It is a warm feeling which squeezes my chest !

I have the urge to think about the love itself,

is it an attraction?

is it a feeling of wanting to have?
not at all!

is it a feeling of wanting all the good things for the other?

When one gets married, do we really mean to limit ourselves to just love one and only one for the rest of our lives?

I seriousely doubt it.

There should be a better explanation.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

kär igen

به جهان خرم از آنم که جهان خرم از اوست
عاشقم بر همه عالم که همه عالم از اوست

I am merry with the one with Whom the world is merry 
I am in love with the whole universe 'cause the whole universe is from Him

Jag är kär... igen... och det ger mycket energi. 
Det är så gott att kunna spendera tid med den man älskar... 
titta på, lyssna på rösten och ibland känna värmen av kroppen genom att få eller ge en kram eller klappa på axeln...

Frågan är om den man är kär i måste veta om det... jag menar, måste jag berätta för hen att jag är kär?

grejen är att hos mig finns inga sexuella ambitioner. det är bara så gott att vara nära, lyssna på, titta på, göra saker tillsammans och skratta tillsammans... inga sexuella drömmar eller inga sug efter att ha hen... bara så gott med att umgås med en smart och rolig och enkel människa som är sig själv...

Jag vet inte om jag kommer att berätta för hen att jag är eller någon ha rvarit kär i hen... 

jag är kär i en enda människa just nu och det ger otroligt mycket energi och kraft. Tänk om man verkligen kunde öppna sitt hjärta och hjärna och bli kär i hela världen eftersom hela världen är en reflektion av Gud!