Thursday, February 15, 2007


There are so many events or better to say, acts, considered as "Art",
But I think there are just two of them which can give me the calmness and satisfaction I look for in art.
Dancing and singing.
It is just you; your body and your soul.
There is no equipments or instruments basicaly required.
I do not have a good voice but I am trying to dance good, and hope to achieve it one day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

نميدانم چه كنم با اين كلمات نااشنا وغريبه با لبانم الهي بنوعي انان كه نمي گذارند ما افاغنه يوروپي جملات زيباي يوروپي هاي افغاني را فهمو كنيم به تير برق متصل گردند تا شايد افكارشان منور شود