Sunday, November 08, 2009

A come to B and want to tell something!
B says:
Have you passed what you want to tell me from the three filters?
A says:
Which three filters?
B says:
If you are sure that what you are going to tell me is 100% true.
If it makes me happy
or at least I benefit from it.
A thought a bit and said:
What I wanted to say was just something I heard and I am not sure if it is true, it for sure makes you sad or angry and it has in fact no use for you to know it.
then B said:
So please keep it for your self and try to fogret it as soon as possible.

What do you think? Is life boring if we do so or is it more pleasant?


Constance said...

I'll answer with another question!
Is always the truth good to be said?

Zita said...

Yes, it would be boring. To enjoy the sunny side, you have to take the dark side too. And anyway, this is such an idealistic approach...
If we do so, gossips would disappear, and it would make women's life certainly emptier : )