Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Soon I will be off to France.

I can not stop waiting to see and hug my mom. God I have missed her.
It is also a great pleassure to meet my aunts and cousines.
The Norway trip was amazingly good! Though I twised my ankle and it still hurts.
There was another Stochastical Proccess test and I think I wrote this one correct too but we will see if I face the red "not solved" sign from dear Anatoly.
I still feel good about sharing with Jane and it is a little bit tight with Constance but it is so good to have her around specially when she is so tidy and clean though I would never guess! :)
Next trip Croacia!
Looks like a perfect place to go in April. Hopefully, Czech guys will follow too. Maybe Sam can come as well. would be perfect. By that time Shahab must be here too.
From travel mates to Norway I got to know Walter and Bruno more and I really like them.
Okej I dont feel like writing more. Lets keep more for later.
Love and hope to all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hej Mahgol :) Va kul det lät med en resa till Norge!! Och läser du stokastiska processer nu!! Ojoj, respekt! Tog den kursen förra året och det var en utav de tuffaste kurserna någonsin! Kram, Sara Fard